Open Wine Project

The Open Wine Project is currently a catchall for technology related topics that arise in Open Wine Intiative forums’ and special interest groups (SIG’s). The Open Wine Initiative is a consortium organized around the many facets of Wine.

The Open Wine Project aspires to define and advocate for sensible geophraphical and ontological standards that produce consistent interconnectivity and interactive artifacts.

Get involved! Community participation is strongly encouranged. Submit an invitation request for access to the organizations tools and community (Slack, repositories, documentation, etc.)

Open Source

The community, data and tools are all open. The intended output of this community is to help commercial use cases be more efficient so as to plan better, plant better, grow better and taste better! All of which is a win for us and for the planet!


Similar groups and initiatives exist however, many seem to lack community or activity or are otherwise abandonded and defunct. Many of the sources organized here were inspired by or barrowed from other communities and projects in order to bring organization, focus and a revitalized community. Every effort to cite these projects will be made however, source material will likely be unrecognizeable as it’s modified to adhere to existing or proposed standards.

The Open Wine Initiative